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Message Board Archives

After much frustration from 2008 through early 2010, trying to figure out a way to host an interactive forum for Andrea’s fans via her original website’s message board, I launched a brand new one using this mysterious, “new” (at least to me), magical content-management system known as WordPress. There were way too many clever “spammers” out there in Cyberworld, and my (even then) antiquated FrontPage site couldn’t find a way to fend them off.

This all-new Andrea King Message Board is the place for anyone and everyone to post comments, ask questions, or share memories and news about Andrea King, her career, her life, and her films.

For those interested in reading the older comments or questions, prior to February 10, 2010, all posts have been “preserved” here. Please see below and enjoy the trip down Memory Lane:

— Paul

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 22 Jun 2002

Dear visitors,

Thanks for all who have written over the past couple of years. Andrea has been very touched by your comments and detailed questions, and she assures me she will continue to respond as often as possible.

Unfortunately, the Web site server I use has been updated recently and all files needed to be reformatted. The previous messages in this section and the “Ask Andrea…” section have been erased during the process.

I apologize for any disappointment or hurt feelings this may have caused. Never fear! Andrea is thinking of you.

Best regards,

Paul Schneider — Web Host & Designer

Name: Marc
Location: San Leandro/Bay Area/California
Email: Samskag@aol.com

Date: 11 Jul 2002

Wow! What a wonderful site. It’s a labor of love for a truly gifted and beautiful lady Miss Andrea King. I have as a film historian always enjoyed Miss King’s performances and films. So I am glad to see a website devoted to this lovely lady. Also next month on Turner Classic Movies on August 19 @ 7 A.M. Pavcific Time they are showing Shadow Of A Women. Again, Great site.



Name: Marc Dolezal
Location: San Francisco
Email: darkmarc@msn.com

Date: 20 Jul 2002

My favorite film with Andrea is Ride The Pink Horse! She’s such a bad girl in that one. Thanks for all the great moments in movies Andrea, I have enjoyed all of them. I wish we could see you as a guest at the film festival soon.

Name: Joe Haas
Location: P.O. Box 218, Ashland, N.H. 03217
Email: JosephHaas353@hotmail.com

Date: 26 Sep 2002

Hi and thanks! BTW From what movie is that honeycomb shot? One of my favorite movies with her it is “Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid” in 1948 as Cathy Livingston, plus living here in New England, to see The “Darby’s Rangers” 1958 (her as Sheilah), related to the Rbt. “Rogers Rangers” as in the 1940 Spencer Tracy movie? with Rbt. Young and Marshfield, MAss.achusetts’ Walter Brennan! Best wishes to you both (the webmaster and her, just seeing this site for the first time, for the reason here now on pages 5-13 of The CLASSIC IMAGES magazine just bought at Borders to read later, this No. 327 Sept. 2002 one to likewise visit their website www.classicimages.com $3.00 for the 76-page newspaper format is a bargain!), to write you in L.A., CA 90069 (1225 Sunset Plaza Drive #3) [thanks to www.stararchive.com ]for a SP is possible, please to send $x for cost pluse SASE of course. Best wishes, Joe P.S. Were you in any old episodes of BONANZA?

Name: Trung Nguyen
Email: ttrung_nguyen@yahoo.com
Date: 24 Oct 2002

My favorite movie is “Hotel Berlin”. I have searched to purchase that movie for years without success.

Name: Steve
Location: Lexington, NC
Email: ser118@aol.com

Date: 27 Oct 2002

Hi and thanks for the site! I just saw the Maverick episode with Andrea in it. This was the first time I’d ever seen her and boy is she beautiful! I just had to jump on the net and see what I could find and here it is.

Keep up the good work, Steve

Name: Ellen
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 23 Apr 2003

I read about Ms. King’s passing in Daily Variety this morning which prompted me to do some research to find out more about her life and career. Thank goodness for the IMDB and their link to this fabulous site. I just spend the better part of an hour pouring through all of the wonderful details and photos. What a feast! And what a thorough and thoughtful homage to her legacy. I have only known her work through one of my favorite films, MR. PEABODY AND THE MERMAID but am now inspired to keep an eye out for more. Again, I am so sorry she is gone but I am left with a deep satisfaction that others like me will wander in here and (re) discover her many gifts.

Name: David
Location: Blue Mountains 50 miles west of Sydney Australia
Email: fonteyn@iprimus.com.au

Date: 28 Apr 2003

We all shall mourn a great lady has passed our way for the last time. May we all keep her memories close to our hearts in the great films she has left us. As the last chapters of the true Hollywood come to a close, we must embrace those that are left to link us to a time when films were truly great. Thank you, Miss King. You are about to begin your greatest role. David

Name: Daniel Bubbeo
Location: East Meadow, NY
Email: dbubbeo@aol.com

Date: 28 Apr 2003

I just wanted to say how sad I was to hear of the news of Andrea’s passing. Her death touched me personally because I had the privilege of interviewing her a couple of years ago. I recall our delightful conversations vividly. At all times Andrea was charming, intelligent and full of life. She was gracious and most helpful and the result was a wonderful profile on her life and career. I’m forever grateful that I got to know her, even slightly, and will also treasure the wonderful performances she gave to all of us. My favorite has to be Lisa Dorn in “Hotel Berlin,” in which Andrea gave a terrific performance as a duplicitous actress with Nazi leanings. She was one of the screen’s great bad girls in that film.

God bless you Andrea, and thank you for leaving movie fans all the richer for your performances.–Dan Bubbeo

Name: Alan
Location: San Diego

Date: 28 Apr 2003

God Bless, Andrea. R.I.P. We’ll miss you.

Name: Tom Wiseman
Location: Tustin, Ca.
Email: wisemove@attbi.com

Date: 29 Apr 2003

I am grieved to her this talented actress has died. She was a true professional who didn’t recieved the recognition she deserved. I won’t forget her.

Sincerely, Tom Wiseman

Name: Virgina Coxon-Hart- First cousin to Andrea King
Location: 144 Louisville Court Phoenixville, PA 19460
Email: Noslod1@aol.com// tel. 610-415-1396

Date: 11 May 2003

I Virgina Coxon-Hart would like to make contact with Andrea Kings daughter Deb Callahan I am 91 years old and live with my daughter Nancy Olsen, my son saw Andreas obituary in the Hartford paper. Thank you very much, Virgina Coxon-Hart

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 11 May 2003

Dear Virginia,

I just passed your information on to Deb Callahan. I’m sure she will be excited to get in touch with you!

Thanks so much for writing.

All the best,

Paul Schneider

Name: Virginia L. Coxon-Hart
Location: 144 lewisville court: phoenixville , Pa l9460
Email: noslod1@aol.com tel. 610-415-1396

Date: 15 May 2003

Hello Paul, Thank you for passing on mother’s wish to contact Deb. son-in-law Frank Murphy found the web-site of Andrea’s. Mother was with Andrea when she made her first audition in New York she told me last night. Mother was studying at Leland Thank you again . We look forward to hearing from you.. Nancy Olson.

Name: David Lotz
Location: Dallas, Texas
Email: dnlotz@hotmail.com

Date: 23 May 2003

Is there any information on where she was buried? I’m sure her many fans would like to pay their respects and possibly leave flowers.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 01 Jun 2003

Dear David,

Thanks for writing. The plan is for Andrea’s ashes to be laid to rest later on this summer, next to her husband Nat Willis who passed away in 1970. The Willis family is directly decended from George Washington, so their family plot is a mixture of Willises and Washingtons at an old Zion Episcopal Church in (what is now) West Virginia.

Take care,

Paul Schneider

Name: Tom Jones
Location: Hawthorne, New Jersey
Email: tom07506@yahoo.com

Date: 14 Jun 2003

In her movie roles and reviews, she has been described as glamourous, but mysterious and “the bad girl”. Besides her talent as an actress, I am sure somebody must have said breathtaking beautiful too, I do. Ms. King has reached the point of immortality that Hollywood only bestows on a few as her movies continue to be shown and people speak her name.

The movies of her time needed no wiz bang CGI special effects to make them work. It was the craft of talented actors and actresses to take us away. To that special place of drama and fantasy that can only be seen on a flickering screen.

I mailed a fan letter to Ms. King a few years ago w/a photo for her autograph and a unusal request, by todays standards, a signed lipstick kiss print. The last item used to be more common during the war years (The Big War – in fact Ms. King was the August 10,1945 Yank magazine pinup gal).

She was so very gracious to have signed the photo to me(http://lipprint.tripod.com/pairs/adreaking.jpg) and send me her kiss (http://lipprint.tripod.com/pairs/andreakinglips.jpg). Both are a treasure to me as is her body of work.

God bless and keep you, Andrea King.

Name: Pat
Location: Stamford, CT
Email: John101518@AOL.com

Date: 07 Jul 2003

ATTN: Paul Schneider What a wonderful site you have done for Andrea. I am a friend of Sylvia Rogers Miller age 92 who was a personal friend of Andrea’s. I was excited to show Sylvia all the pictures of Andrea. She enjoyed them greatly. Thank you for your effort.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 10 Jul 2003

Dear Pat,

Thanks so much for your kind words! Yes, I know exactly who Sylvia is! Andrea spoke so well of her when we were working on the book together. She would be thrilled to know that Sylvia had visited this site.

Please give Sylvia my very best wishes, and thank you both for taking the time to view the pictures and to write!

Kind regards,


Name: Alec Sutherland
Location: Pittsford, NY
Email: alecsuth@rochester.rr.com

Date: 15 Aug 2003

Hi Paul,–Just discovered your marvelous Andrea King website. I’m curious: whatever happened to Belle’s other children (by Douglas McKee), Anne and Willis McKee?

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 17 Aug 2003

Dear Alec,

Thank you for your question. Andrea’s only sister Anne lives in Rancho Santa Fe, California. I just saw her last weekend, and I’m happy to say Annie’s doing quite well.

I’m not sure who you mean by “Willis.” That was Andrea’s last name after she married Nat Willis in 1940. He passed away in 1970, and they have one daughter Deborah (Willis) Callahan. Deb is also doing well, considering the loss she’s been absorbing these past few months. It takes a lot of time, as I’m sure you know.

Thanks so much for writing.



Name: toma mitchell
Location: kansas city, mo
Email: dertoma@accessmo.com

Date: 02 Sep 2003

Watching Andrea King in HOTEL BERLIN (aired on Turner Classis Movie, 2 Sept 2003, I was so impressed with her grace and beauty, that I did a web search which led me to this site. It was a pleasure to read and see more about her…she must have been indeed beautiful inside. Thanks for keeping her memory alive for those of us who grew up in later generations so that we too could come to know her a little better. You did a good thing…toma

Name: Mike J. Crump
Location: Yorba Linda, California
Email: stampguy47@aol.com

Date: 02 Sep 2003

Just saw “Hotel Berlin” for the first time, and first noticed Andrea King. What a wonderful actress and lady. Thank you for this web-site.

Name: Adele Vera-Angel
Location: New York City
Email: adele.veraangel@citigroup.com

Date: 03 Sep 2003

Dear Mr. Schneider: My parents were great lovers of the theatre and the cinema. They had their favorites and I can recall rather lively discussions regarding the merits and drawback of this or that star. However, both agreed in their admiration for Andrea King. They thought her one of the most beautiful and multi-talented actresses of the 1940’s. As I said, I recall them speaking of her, but had never seen her work. When I learned that TMC was going to run several of her movies yesterday I made sure to watch. My parents were dead on. She was beautiful and she was very talented. I stayed up until well past 1:00 just before Shadow of a Woman was to start. I was sorry I didn’t think of video taping the last two movies. I was so interested in her that this morning I did a computer search and came across your web site. What an interesting, beautiful and devoted woman. I hope Mr. Schneider that the book she and you collaborated on will come to fruition, but my heartiest congratulations on a beautiful, concise web site to a truly spectacular lady.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles

Date: 04 Sep 2003

Dear Toma,

Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I’m glad you enjoyed both HOTEL BERLIN and this Web site. Andrea was good enough to share stories of her life, her love of acting, and her beautful scrap books with me. I’m so glad she let me share them with “the world at large” as well.

I’m glad you stopped by the site, and thanks again for leaving such a wonderful message.

Most sincerely,


Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 04 Sep 2003

Dear Mike,

I’m glad you enjoyed HOTEL BERLIN and Andrea’s performance in it. It was her personal favorite.



Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 04 Sep 2003

Dear Adele,

What a great note! Sometimes our parents can be right about things! (Joke.) I’m glad you listened to them enough to take a look at Andrea’s films on TCM and decide for yourself. She would have loved your letter.

All the best,


Name: David Wills
Location: California
Email: djwills@pacbell.net

Date: 11 Sep 2003

Hi, Your site is wonderful. I recently saw “Shadow of a Woman” on TV and would love to have a copy of it. If anyone knows how I could obtain it I would love to know. Thanks – David Wills (djwills@pacbell.net)

Name: Forrest
Location: Back in LA (recently from SF)
Email: Forrest@cerrell.com

Date: 25 Nov 2003

Paul Schneider from CCF.. this is the only way that I could think of getting a hold of you since your AOL account that I had was no longer active. I know that you tend to Ms. Kings site so I am thinking that you will see this. Great work on the site btw, glad someone is doing it. I am sure she very much appreciates it! Email me.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 26 Nov 2003

Hey, Forrest!

You’ll be hearing from me directly.


Name: Tina Easton
Location: Greenwood IN
Email: jtoddeaston@aol.com

Date: 10 Feb 2004

Hello, I recently bought a box at an auction and in the box was several family photos. A wedding photo and her grandparents wedding certificate. Two of the pictures are signed in pencil to her Mother and Father. I am wondering what I should do with these?


Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 10 Feb 2004

Hi, Tina,

I will forward your message to Andrea’s daughter Deb Callahan. If she is interested, she will contact you in the next few days.

Thanks for writing!


Name: tina

Date: 11 Feb 2004

I sent you a note yesterday regarding pictures that belong to Andrea.Please let me know if her family wants them.There are about 10 of them.Thanks Tina

Name: George Schultz
Location: Springfield, IL
Email: ildoc@aol.com

Date: 26 Feb 2004

I desperatly need your help. I am interested in finding a copy of an newspaper from Hollywood dated October 1945 but I need someone of your expertise and in your location to find this paper with a picture of Ida Lupino and Andrea King. This request means the world to me. In October 1945 my father and the rest of his crew from a WW- II B-29 superfortress long range bomber had their picture taken with Ida Lupino,Andrea King,Bob Alda, Bruce Bennett,and other actors in a newspaper called the Warner Club News which was promoting the movie “The man I Love” directed by Raoul Walsh. The crew was involved in some of the shooting of the film but I am just wanting a copy of the newspaper article of the crew and the subsequent story. I will gladly pay for copying fees, finders fees etc. Please try to locate this article for my family. Sincerely, George Schultz in Springfield, IL ——————–

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 27 Feb 2004

Hello, George,

Thanks for writing. I’ve been through all of Andrea’s scrapbooks and don’t recall a newspaper in her collection by that name. I will search through again though, and I’ll let you know if I come up with anything. Her Hollywood scrapbooks were mostly assembled by the head of her fan club back then, and nearly all the articles were clipped to size for placement in these books. In other words, I doubt I will find a whole paper that would include the article you’re seeking. I would suggest that you search eBay on a regular basis. They are always selling old newspapers and magazines like the one you’re speaking of.

Best of luck with your search, and I will let you know if I find anything.



Name: Andrea King
Email: halohead720@msn.com

Date: 10 Mar 2004

all i did was type my name in the search panle and then i discoverd an actress with the same name

Name: bob landre
Location: seattle washington
Email: spotndot@aol.com

Date: 08 May 2004

what a wonderful site, I grew up with Andrea and family on Rodeo Drive in the 50’s 60’s 70’s Debbie was a friend would love to get in touch with her. I lived in the servents quarters of her home and the parties we went to with Belle well into her 90’s we danced the night away and heard all the stories, glad you saved all her escapades, what fun it was knowing her and reliving some of the past……thanks for the memories

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 10 May 2004

Hi, Bob,

Thanks for visiting the site, and I’m very glad you enjoyed it! I have passed your contact information on to Deb.

Best regards,


Name: Carol Barnick
Location: Boswell, Pennsylvania
Email: cabarnick@hotmail.com

Date: 15 Jun 2004

You can never know how thrilled I was to come upon this site. Darby’s Rangers is one of my very favorite films ever! I never knew anything about the woman who played “Shelia”! Now I do! Thank you! Is there any site that I could find out more on Marjorie Riordan. Is there a copy of Navy Nurse available anywhere? Were Andrea and Marjorie good friends? Wonderful work!

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 16 Jun 2004

Dear Carol,

I’m so glad you’re enjoying the site, and thank you for taking the time to write.

To answer your questions, yes, Andrea spoke very highly of Marjorie Riordan, particularly the one time we sat and watched “Navy Nurse” together. She admired her talent greatly. I don’t think they became close friends however, as Marjorie only made a handful of films at Warner Bros. As far as a video release of “Navy Nurse,” sadly no such luck as of now. I’m hoping in the future Warner Home Video will begin to release some of their war time “shorts” on DVD (as an archival collection). Wouldn’t that be great? I’ve only seen the “Navy Nurse” short once, but I understand it shows up on TCM (Turner Classic Movies) every now and then, as does “Proudly We Serve,” so maybe I’ll have the good fortune to get a good tape of those one day.

And stay tuned, I’m hoping to put up a Web page soon about Andrea’s experience with “Darby’s Rangers,” which is quite a story. Warners called her and begged her to do the film as a VERY last minute replacement for an ailing actress, the day before she actually started shooting!

Name: toma mitchell
Location: kansas city, mo
Email: dertoma@accessmo.net

Date: 16 Oct 2004

Hello again…it was just over a year ago that I watched HOTEL BERLIN and left you a note about that experience. As fate would have it, HOTEL BERLIN was again aired tonite and I divorced myself from everything this evening so that I could enjoy watching it again. My next step is to find out if that movie is available on DVD. If I find it not so, do you have any info as to if it will become availalbe on DVD. Thanks for keeping up this site. I would have liked to have meet her, but I will settle for having her preserved hopefully on DVD. P.S. I was impressed to see that you reply to the posts; thanks again, Toma…

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 17 Oct 2004

Dear Toma,

Thanks for writing! I caught “Hotel Berlin” on TCM myself the other day, and I was glad I had the chance to see it again. It’s sort of like saying “hello” to an old friend for me.

The film is not available on DVD as of yet, so I rely on my personal VHS copy taped from a TCM airing for now. Only a couple of Andrea’s movies are currently out on DVD… “The Lemon Drop Kid” is available, but sadly it’s a lousy print of the film. The old VHS release had much better picture and sound quality. And “Blackenstein” is also available, not a bad-looking print, but it’s also not exactly Andrea’s “finest film,” to put it mildly.

I keep seeing bootleg DVDs show up on eBay of “The Beast With Five Fingers” and “Ride the Pink Horse.” Neither film has been commercially released on DVD though, so they must be DVD-R recordings from other sources (either off of cable, or just copied from a VHS). I wouldn’t count on them being very good though.

I don’t know when Warner Home Video will get around to releasing Andrea’s wonderful films. They have such a HUGE back-catalog of classics (including the old MGM movies) that there are literally hundreds of old films people are waiting for. I’m sure in time, it will happen, and you can be assured that any news of Andrea’s DVD releases will be posted on this Web site with information on how to order them on the “Merchandise” page.

Thank you again for taking the time to write, and many blessings.


Name: Leighton Chapman
Location: Texas
Email: leightonchapman@hotmail.com

Date: 30 Oct 2004

Although I have spent most of my adult life studying film history (or working in the industry), I must admit my ignorance of Ms. King’s body of work. “Ride the Pink Horse” was on TCM yesterday, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. That led me to IMDb, then here. How wonderful to have such a remembrance.

While in film school in LA during the 80s, I had wonderful opportunities to meet several actors busy in the 40s/50s, yet not as well-known. Unfortunately, during that time before TCM and the Internet, research was limited to the archives of USC and UCLA.

Good luck with the book. I would imagine that TCM promotes such publications. It would be quite interesting to know what she had to say about “Ride the Pink Horse.” I’ll certainly be on the watch for more of her films on TCM.

If possible, could you contact me via e-mail, as I have a few questions.

Thanks for your great site.

Regards, Leighton Chapman

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 02 Nov 2004

Dear Leighton,

Thank you for taking the time to write. I’m glad you’re enjoying the Web site.

Take care,


Name: john griffin
Location: santa ana, ca
Email: mrgrifter@cesmail.net

Date: 13 Dec 2004

I’m so delighted to see someone has put together a website for Andrea. I had the good fortune of shooting a video interview with her in 1998, about her work with Montgomery Clift for my A&E Bio on him. I also spoke with her at length on the phone in 2000 about her short films for Warner Brothers, especially “Navy Nurse.” I was able to get her copies of 2 or 3 of her shorts during my documentary for TCM. Her home was beautiful and she was a very stylish, energetic, charming, and elegant lady. We should all be lucky enough to age like her.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 14 Dec 2004

Dear John,

Thanks so much for writing. Andrea was very pleased with your A&E Bio on Montgomery Clift. And I got the chance to watch “Navy Nurse” with her when you sent the tape… something she hadn’t seen since 1945!

I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the Web site, and I couldn’t agree with you more about Andrea. We were all very lucky to have known her.

Take care, and best of luck to you!


Name: K.J. Wilburn
Location: Memphis, TN
Email: kjw@wantedcowgirls.com

Date: 21 Jan 2005

Let me start by saying how much I love this website. You have done an excellent job of documenting the life and career of a wonderful actress. I would like to point out one small error concerning “Outlaw Queen”. The person you identify twice as “Harry James”, is not “Harry James”. I do have pictures of “Andrea” with “Harry” as well as streaming video of the trailer on my website at WantedCowgirls.com. The address of the specific page is http://www.wantedcowgirls.com/OutlawQueen.html. There is no text at the moment, but that will be corrected soon.

I have searched for years for this movie and have only been able to locate this very contrasty copy of the trailer. Several years ago I talked with “Robert Clarke” who was also in the film. He gave me the phone number of the producer’s widow, but all I ever get at that number is an answering machine and no reply to numerous inquiries. If anyone knows how to obtain this film, please contact me at kjw@wantedcowgirls.com.

Please feel free to post a link to my “Outlaw Queen” page.


K.J. Wilburn

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 22 Jan 2005

Dear K.J,

Thank you for the error information and the wonderful on-line trailer link for “Outlaw Queen!” It’s the first time I’ve ever seen footage from it. This movie is a bit of a mystery to me as well, and Andrea never really wanted to talk about it much. As you can tell from my account on the Web pages, she considered it to be a failure and a bit of an embarrassment… although she enjoyed actually making it, primarily due to Harry and Betty (Grable–his wife at the time). She thought very highly of them both, and deeply respected Harry’s talent as a musician.

I will gladly remove Harry’s name from the photo captions I have posted, but do you have any idea who this mystery man is with her? He’s featured prominently with Andrea in several publicity stills I’ve seen. These are the only photos I could get my hands on from the film. Andrea kept none herself.

Thank you again!


P.S. — If you ever obtain a copy of the movie, please let me know! I would very much like to see it.

Name: Gabe Taverney
Email: duke1029@aol.com

Date: 18 Feb 2005

Did King have anything to do with Warners’ TYHE SEA WOLF in 1940?

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 19 Feb 2005

Dear Gabe,

Thanks for writing! To answer your question, no, Andrea wasn’t in Warner Bros.’ THE SEA WOLF (actually it was released in 1941). She didn’t sign her contract with Warners until January of 1944, and her very first film with them was “Mr. Skeffington.”

During 1940, Andrea (known then as Georgette McKee) was appearing in the mega-hit play “Life With Father” starring Lillian Gish in Chicago. She also made her film debut that year in the role of Hilda Bensinger in “The Ramparts We Watch.” That movie was produced by “The March of Time” (Time & Life), and released through RKO.

THE SEA WOLF featured a young Ida Lupino, however. Andrea and Ida bore an uncanny resemblance to each other, and Warner Bros. was very aware of this. They initially signed Andrea to her studio contract with the idea that she would play Ida’s younger sister in “The Very Thought of You” (1944). Ida was removed from the picture before production started and replaced by Eleanor Parker. But the two eventually did play sisters on screen in “The Man I Love” (1946).

Name: Frank Guerrasio
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Email: fguerras@dhs.nyc.gov

Date: 15 Apr 2005

What a wonderful, tasteful, thorough tribute to a charming and much-admired actress ! Bravo !

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 17 Apr 2005

Dear Frank,

Thanks for taking the time to visit the site! So glad you enjoyed it.


Name: david hayden
Location: charleston sc
Email: dehayden@bellsouth.net

Date: 18 Apr 2005

hello: I came across your site looking for mona freeman. nice site, but I take issue with your description of mona’s charecter as “sappy”. why is this sappy? I happen to be mona’s fan( hopefull to have a site to her) and she has never given a sappyh performance. I have the film and hers is a wonderful performance. I have never even heard of this andrea king untill I brought mona’s film. mona’s performance was vibrant. kings was wooden. mona was always underated, even in her hayday and it looks as though it hasn’t stopped. david hayden

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 19 Apr 2005

Dear David,

I haven’t referred to Ms. Freeman’s performance as sappy, but rather the character she portrayed. Please understand that everyone has a right to an opinion. I wish you the best of luck with your Web site.



Name: toma
Location: kansas city, mo
Email: mctoma@excite.com

Date: 21 Jun 2005

Hello Paul…I check often on amazon.com to see if the dvd version of HOTEL BERLIN is forthcoming, and to my suprise, a non availability of HOTEL BERLIN on vhs also came up. Is there another site where a vhs/future dvd may be available? thanks…..toma

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 23 Jun 2005

Dear Toma,

As of now, “Hotel Berlin” is still not available on VHS or DVD. To be honest, I doubt if it will ever come out on VHS, since that format seems to be going the way of audio cassette tapes and LP records. I’m sure at some point in the future it will be released on DVD, and you can bet we’ll have information posted here on how to order just as soon as becomes available.

Warner Home Video owns the rights to it, but they have the largest back-catalogue of vintage films in the industry (including the early Warner films, as well as the MGM and RKO “golden age” releases). They always do a terrific job with their DVDs and put a lot of care into remastering from the best possible sources. This takes a lot of time. Since many higher profile titles, such as the Mickey & Judy movies and the Fred & Ginger musicals have yet to be released, it may have to stand in line for a while.

For now, I’m relying on my own VHS copy taped from a TCM broadcast. Turner Classic Movies still shows Andrea’s films on a fairly frequent basis. The print they have of “Hotel Berlin” is in pretty good shape, though not remastered yet. I guess all good things come to those who wait.

Thanks for writing! Check back from time to time. We’ll have information on any home video releases just as soon as we hear about them.

Name: toma
Location: kansas city, mo
Email: mctoma@excite.com

Date: 13 Jul 2005

Again Hi Paul…I just finished watching for the first time THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU (1944) on TCM not paying attention to the actors/actresses until it was over and then deceiding that I really enjoyed the movie and wanted to get more info on all the charectors. I set off to IMDB to get the info and low and behold if I dont see the Andrea King played the part of MOLLY. While watching the movie I knew I was attracted to her charector not realizing it was her..it was such a pleasant surprise for me. Naturally I skipped over to amazon.com to see if the movie was avail on dvd or vhs, and you guessed it, it was not…very disappointing…I shall add THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU to my HOTEL BERLIN wish list..(I do have THE LEMONDROP KID)..I wonder how long I will have to wait to see THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU again….thanks for keeping this site alive..toma

Name: William J. Felchner
Location: Staunton, IL USA
Email: wjf21@madisontelco.com

Date: 30 Aug 2005

Who could forget Andrea King’s opening scene with Bob Hope in 1951’s “The Lemon Drop Kid?” That dripping southern accent she affected for the role of Stella, Moose Moran’s girlfriend, is simply hilarous! Look for my holiday feature on “The Lemon Drop Kid” in the January 2006 (Christmas) issue of Movie Collector’s World, starring (in Stella’s words) “the nice man,” Bob Hope. Would anyone out there have a photo of Andrea and Bob from “The Lemon Drop Kid” that I could use for the article? Anything screened at 600 dpi would work just fine. Thanks.

Name: TINA
Location: wauconda, illinois
Email: ggeagles2@yahoo.com

Date: 03 Feb 2006


Name: Marvin
Location: Louisville, Ky

Date: 06 Feb 2006

Your site is one of the most beautiful on the web, and it does justice to one of Hollywood’s most beautiful ladies, Andrea King. Thanks.

Name: Bruce Torrence
Location: Mammoth Lakes, CA
Email: oldphotos@earthlink.net

Date: 16 Mar 2006

I just completed a book on the Hollywood Canteen. My first book was titled HOLLYWOOD:THE FIRST 100 YEARS. I would like to find out if Andrea King volunteered at the actual Canteen. If so, I would like to speak to to someone about her experiences at he Canteen. You can either email or call me at (760) 934-3855. You may be interested at looking at my wev site “hollywoodphotographs.com”. Sinceerely, Bruce Torence

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 18 Mar 2006

Dear Bruce,

Andrea did volunteer at the actual canteen. She said she was usually there (schedule permitting) at least one night during the week, plus one weekend night—every week. There’s a little information about it on the “Hollywood Canteen” page on this site. (Look under FILM APPEARANCES.) Best of luck with your book! Sounds terrific.


Name: P.
Email: PegasusE@Comcast.net

Date: 23 Jun 2006

Your site is lovely. I truly enjoyed Andrea’s gallery–just beautiful!

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 30 Jun 2006

Thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed it.


Name: Andrea King
Location: Los Angeles

Date: 04 Jul 2006

Paul, hello:

The newly designed site is wonderful. Though I miss the retelling of the famous lunch with me (Andrea King journalist-turned-screenwriter), Andrea King (actress) and Robert Osborne at Le Dome. I have looked for a copy of Robert’s column but cannot find it. Do you by any chance have a copy? I will always treasure the memory of that delightful afternoon. Andrea was gracious, warm, witty and very glamorous (turban, fur-trimmed cape, and slender cigarette holder!). I was sad to hear of her passing…and I must admit, the obit in the trades stunned a few people I knew…until they read further. How does one contact you without leaving personal info on line?


Andrea King

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 05 Jul 2006

Dear Andrea,

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words! I remember hearing about this wonderful lunch and also seeing the column that Robert Osborne wrote about it in The Reporter. I don’t believe I have a copy of it, sadly, although I’d be glad to dig around for it. You can contact me directly by clicking on the “PMS Design” logo at the bottom of this page, or on the Home Page here. It will take you to an email account. And I would love to hear from you. I hope things are going well these days.



Name: Louis J. Guili
Location: Washington, Pennsylvania
Email: L1065@webtv.net

Date: 24 Jul 2006

I am a great admirer of Andrea King. She was a fine actress and an elegant, glamorous lady. I wrote a fan letter to her years ago and she sent me a lovely autographed photo which I still treasure. This is a wonderful web site in her honor. The photo gallery is especially marvelous. Thank you for doing such a terrific job.

Warmest regards,
Louis J. Guili

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Date: 27 Jul 2006

Dear Louis,

Thanks so much for your kind words, and for sharing your thoughts with us. Andrea made a point to answer all of her fan mail personally. She told me “she was raised that way,” and it was a matter of principle. I’m glad you were (and are) pleased with the signed photo. She would be so happy to know that. Glad you took the time to let us know.

Take care,


Name: Rod W Cushing
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Email: rwcushing@comcast.net

Date: 28 Sep 2006

I was born in 1930 and remember and miss the beautiful actresses back in the golden years of movies. I was watching a Perry Mason T V show and watched with pleasure Andrea’s acting and beauty. Today’s T V and movies are a mess with absolutely no class, and the actors are a joke. Thank God for TCM and the T V channels that show series with Andrea King in them. I am and always will be madly in love with her and her memory.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 07 Oct 2006

Dear Rod,

Thanks for taking the time to share that! Andrea would be so pleased.


Name: george legeas
Location: calgary alberta canada

Date: 03 Nov 2006

So absolutely beautiful…..saw her for first time Halloween on TCM, in Beast with Five Fingers….wow what a stunning lady, hard to get that kind of beauty out of ones mind. Would love to know more of Andrea King…

Location: Riverside, Calif
Date: 13 Nov 2006


I am pursuing information re the career of LeRoy Prinz and came upon the ref to him in your site~ A bit of a correction if I may: LeRoy was not ‘the head mechanic’ of the Lafayette Escadrille but rather a pilot in the U.S. Air Service attached to the 94th, the 95th and lastly the 103rd Pursuit Squadron~ The 103rd had been transferred from the French Air Service where it was known as “The Lafayette Escadrille”~ LeRoy, a most popular guy among the flyers, (but,incidentally not a success as a aviator by any means) was only associated with the original French Air Services unit known as the “Lafayette Escadrille” in the sense that one of his assignments as a Lt. and pilot in American service included a brief stint,in the final months of the war, with the 103rd~ Should you have any thoughts on where I might research more on Mr. Prinz, I’d be delighted to hear from you~ Congratulations on your successful effort here to commemorate one of Hollywood’s most gracious ladies~

Lee Edw. Branch. Ph.D.
(Hollywood High School~ Spring ’51)

Name: Robert Kimball
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Email: rkimball@cox.net

Date: 02 Dec 2006


I am new here so please bear with me. I am desperately looking for the movie “Hotel Berlin”. I think I searched everywhere on the internet. I even searched Blockbuster and Hollywood video sites to no avail. Any help would be nice.


Name: Andrea LaConte
Location: Beaumont, TX
Email: andrea.laconte@stmhmr.org

Date: 02 Jan 2007

My mother named me after Andrea King and Carole Lombard when I was born in 1947. Interestingly enough, I had never known anything about Ms. King until today. While surfing the TV yesterday, I came across a movie that listed Ms. King as a star (“Red Planet Mars”) and I had to take a look. Today, I “Googled” her name and found your sight; most welcome indeed. Even more intriguing are our backgrounds regarding our fathers; my story is quite similar to hers. Perhaps that’s why my mother christened me with her stage name.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 06 Jan 2007

Dear Mr. Kimball,

“Hotel Berlin” is not currently available on home video, and has never been commercially released by Warner Bros. You can be sure that as soon as it is, this site will have information about when and how to order it.

My advice to you is to keep a look out for airings of the film on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). “Hotel Berlin” is a frequent visitor there, and Robert Osborne always has nice things to say about Andrea’s association with the film.

Thanks for writing!

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 06 Jan 2007

Dear “Andrea” LaConte,

Thanks for sharing your story! I’ve met 2 or 3 “Andreas” in the last couple of years that have told me they were named for our dear celebrated friend. I’m sure she would have been terribly flattered and probably floored at the thought!

All the best to you,

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 06 Jan 2007

Dear Lee,

Thanks so much for the clarification. I can only say that this is the story that Andrea told me, as she remembered it from her conversations on the subject with Mr. Prinz at Warner Bros. I’ve tried to stay as faithful as possible to her memories, particularly pertaining to her Biography pages on this site. Perhaps her memories were cloudy after so many years, or perhaps that’s the simple, concise way Mr. Prinz himself explained his participation with the group to her. Andrea also mentioned to me that Mr. Prinz never actually flew with the Lafayette Escadrille as a pilot while he was with them, but he had worked with all the men in the unit and had no recollection of Georges André Barry. This, again… is what he told her at the time. Still, I find all history, personal or otherwise, fascinating when seen from different points of view. Thank you again for sharing your information!

All the best to you,

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 06 Jan 2007

Dear George,

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit the site! So glad you enjoyed it.


Name: mike
Location: los angeles
Email: karl_lafong@webtv.net

Date: 25 May 2007

what a surprise to find the andrea king website. “i was a shoplifter” is a favorite movie of mine. they used to play this movie frequently on local station kdoc ch. 56 in orange county in the mid 80’s. i taped it over the air before cable, but due to the distance between o.c. and l.a. where i live my copy is grainy. does anybody know if “shoplifter” is on dvd? i like the whole cast with andrea, scott brady, and mona freeman. i like the scene where brady saves her mona freeman from drowing herself – it’s so dramatic. i know that rock hudson and tony curtis were in the movie, but isn’t the character actor nehemiah persoff uncredited in the thug role (the guy pictured on the right on the movie poster)? also, is the exterior of the department store at the beginning of the movie the old robinson’s dept. store in beverly hills (now scheduled for demolition to make way for high rise condos)?

mike in l.a.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 28 May 2007

Hi, Mike,

“I Was a Shoplifter” is a Universal film, so I’m hoping that at some point in the near future, they will release it as part of a thematic box set (maybe to do with Crime Doesn’t Pay or The Big Bad City—something like that!). For now, you can find fairly decent (at least better than your grainy copy) DVDs that seem to be transferred from old film prints on eBay. They’re not great, but they’re not terrible either. They’re also not “official” releases. We can assume that if/when Universal Home Entertainment releases the film, it will look and sound a lot better. Andrea really enjoyed this film. She saw it as campy fun, when we watched it together. She mostly remembered the “strange” training she received during rehearsal on how to shoplift from actual FBI agents, who showed her just how to expertly use those “booster bloomers” she wears under her black dress in the film.

As for Nehemiah Persoff, I’ve not seen that one confirmed, although you are not the first one to mention that. He was up-and-coming back then, so it’s certainly possible.

…and I believe you’re right about the old Robinson’s store. I’m not 100 percent sure now, but I do remember Andrea mentioning a location while we were watching the film. I was too “new” to L.A. back then to know the building she was talking about. But I think you’re right.

Thanks for taking the time to write.

Best regards,

Name: mrs fenatree
Location: albania
Email: mrsfenatree4lyfe@hotmail.co.uk

Date: 06 Jul 2007

i have a friend called the same. she’s 20. how funny. that was a mrs fenatree opinion. goodbye.

Name: pius karikari
Location: ghana
Date: 09 Jul 2007

yeah! the site is so amazing and i fell happy to visit with my friends. are doing good to the country and hope you are not going to live us. also just to say KEEP IT UP.

Name: Sulynn Taylor
Location: West Virginia
Email: ruthsulynn@msn.com

Date: 12 Apr 2008

Hello. I am interested in learning more about Andrea and Nat Willis. Can you shed any light on where they are both buried??.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 21 Apr 2008

Dear Sulynn,

The Willis family is directly descended from George Washington, so their family plot is a mixture of Willises and Washingtons at an old Zion Episcopal Church in (what is now) West Virginia. This is where Andrea and Nat are buried.

Name: GLTyrebiter
Location: New Jersey, USA

Date: 10 Dec 2008

Any possiblility that “Hotel Berlin” will ever be released to DVD? I have a VHS copy from a TCM broadcast which is only, “OK.” I’m a WWII history buff so I found this move to be immediately fascinating. It also introduced me to Andrea King. She played the self-absorbed & conniving Lisa Dorn role so well! I also found the roles of the various supporting actors to be very good. Particularly those of Peter Lorre as the remorseful Nazi Dr. Koenig & Raymond Massey as decorated Nazi hero & general, Arnim von Dahnwitz.

Name: Paul Schneider
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: 05 Jan 2009

Dear GLTyrebiter,

As of now, there is no news of a DVD release for “Hotel Berlin” from Warner Home Video. I’m hoping it’s coming in the near future. I was very happy to learn that a trilogy of wartime musicals have been recently released, including “Hollywood Canteen” which features Andrea King (very briefly) but also includes “Proudly We Serve” a WWII short film which she starred in!

If any news should surface about a DVD release for “Hotel Berlin,” rest assured, you will find the information here. Thanks for checking out the site and taking the time to ask!
