(Pictured, left to right:) Julie Bishop, Joyce Reynolds, Faye Emerson, Andrea King, Eleanor Parker, Dolores Moran, Lynne Baggett and Virginia Patton, as they appeared in “Hollywood Canteen.” Warner Bros., 1944.
Andrea King appears as herself in “Hollywood Canteen” (Warner Bros., 1944) along with most of the available actors and actresses under contract to the studio at the time. In a rare photo, featured above, Andrea links arms with the other young ingénues from that film. This is the very group of actresses who were, as Andrea puts it, “always testing for the same roles in each film.”
Many were called but few were chosen. During her brief two-and-a-half years under contract, Andrea’s “batting average” at the studio was very high. She usually got the part.

Left to right: Julie Bishop, Lynn Baggett, Virginia Patton, and Andrea King.